Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tommy Sexton

                     Thomas "Tommy" Sexton was born July 3, 1957 and he was a Canadian comedian . Born in St.john's, Newfoundland and also the youngest CODCO who joined the comedy troupe. Sexton who was openly gay felt ill because of complications with AIDS.Sexton later died in December 13, 1933.His colleague Greg Malone who he has toured with in two co-written works, The Wonderful Grand Band and Two Foolish to Talk About  campaigned for HIV and AIDS education in Sexton's memory. Also his sister Mary Sexton        who is a filmmaker made a movie about him called ''Tommy.....A Family Portrait''. In St. john's was opened a housing for people living with either HIV or AIDS in 2006 called '' The Tommy Sexton Centre''.



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