Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nkosi Johnson

                        Nkosi Johnson was born on  February 4, 1989 and died of HIV/AIDS in June 1, 2001. Johnson was the first child born with HIV/AIDS to live as long as to 12 years of age. Nkosi was HIV positive from birth and he never knew his father. He was legally adopted by Gail Johnson when his mother had also died from the disease and could no longer take care of him. Nkosi first came to public attention when the school he was going to attend refused him because he was HIV positive. This problem caused a furor at political level and later  the school reversed its decision.Johnson was a speaker at the 13th International AIDS Conference, where he encouraged people with HIV/AIDS to be open about the disease and these were the words that ended his speech.

 "Care for us and accept us - we are all human beings. We are normal. We have hands. We have feet. We can walk, we can talk, we have needs just like everyone else - don't be afraid of us - we are all the same!"






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